These are preliminary results on exploration and mapping inside a tunnel with approximate dimensions of WIDTHxHEIGHTxLENGTH = 3x4x30m. The robot navigated along half of it (approximately) and our team evaluated the capability of localization and mapping using NIR camera/IMU, as well as Laser Time-of-Flight sensors.
For the element of VI-localization we are using ROVIO developed at ASL, ETH Zurich:
The nightvision cameras are supported with appropriately synchronized LEDs.
This result corresponds to preliminary work in the field of autonomous exploration and mapping in visually-degraded environments.
For the element of VI-localization we are using ROVIO developed at ASL, ETH Zurich:
The nightvision cameras are supported with appropriately synchronized LEDs.
This result corresponds to preliminary work in the field of autonomous exploration and mapping in visually-degraded environments.